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8740 The Gore Rd, Brampton, ON L6P 0B1.

Community Service Worker

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With the aging population, the tremendous advancements in technology, and our demand for the best quality of life, the healthcare industry is facing a growing shortage of well-trained personnel. Throughout the North American healthcare industry, there is an acute need to increase the size of the workforce and raise the skill level of that workforce.

A well-trained Community Service Worker (CSW) is equipped with a flexible, adaptable career. Social and community service workers administer and implement a variety of social assistance programs and community services. They assist clients to address personal and social problems. They are employed by social service and government agencies, mental health agencies, group homes, shelters, substance abuse centres, school boards, correctional facilities, and other establishments.

  • Comprehensive community service worker knowledge, including psychology, sociology, family life, mental health, addictions, criminology, at-risk populations, case management, counselling, ethics, business communication, report writing, and government and social services
  • Full range of computer and office skills, including current software applications, keyboarding skills, and personal and professional development
  • On-site work experience through participation in a 160-hour placement at an approved CSW facility